The Afropean author is back with a touring show, curating working-class photographers to present an alternative reading of class aesthetics
The Afropean author is back with a touring show, curating working-class photographers to present an alternative reading of class aesthetics
Creative duo and club stalwarts Martin Green and James Lawler take a utopian yet realistic look at 90s Queer nights in Britain, at Open Eye Gallery
A rich family history of political struggle and personal responsibility, diverging paths and roads left untrod inform Thero Makepe’s We Didn’t Choose to be Born Here
Years before social media, the photographer was already critical of our obsession with celebrity culture and mocked the idea of spectacle
How to Unname a Tree dismantles the notion of trees as static symbols, revealing them as beings that blur the lines of identity
Nearly a decade after winning BJP’s Breakthrough Single Image award, Adama Jalloh has become a trusted portrait photographer
Italian-Bosnian Rosa Franjic and her partner travelled to the Yemeni island to meet friends working on preserving its staggering biodiversity
In an award held in partnership with WePresent, four photographers will be chosen to exhibit at Galerie Huit Arles in July alongside Les Rencontres d’Arles. Enter now.
Where art and commerce in photography meet.
The Afropean author is back with a touring show, curating working-class photographers to present an alternative reading of class aesthetics
Creative duo and club stalwarts Martin Green and James Lawler take a utopian yet realistic look at 90s Queer nights in Britain, at Open Eye Gallery
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Where art and commerce in photography meet.