“For all the period of Barack Obama, I looked at the work and I felt ‘oh, this is ancient history now’,” the photographer recalls. “You look at the Confederate flag bedspread, the back of the truck saying ‘Rome was destroyed by liberals’ – in 2006, it felt like these were fringe people.” More than 10 years later, on 20 January 2017, Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States. On the same day, Thompson joined Instagram and began sharing images from The Texas Hill Country.
Of course, it has now been almost two years since Donald Trump left office, 15 years since Thompson spent 40 hours on a Greyhound bus in a desperate bid to reach Texas, and almost the same period of time since Dr Paul Lowe described his work as offering “…a unique perspective on America’s relationship to itself and to the rest of the planet”. Yet, The photographer remains as determined as ever to see his project published.
“Out of everything I’ve done, this was like the first really good go I had,” Thompson says passionately. “In my heart I thought I’d get to keep doing this, that I’d get to do this in other cities, I’d get to do those things that Magnum photographers do. That’s not been my hand. I never got to do that. So, this is it.”