Holding Space at 10 14 gallery features several emerging artists who shine a light on interdependence in global communities

Holding Space at 10 14 gallery features several emerging artists who shine a light on interdependence in global communities
Marilyn Stafford: A Life in Photography spans the pioneering fashion photographer’s career across several continents, whose work often surprised and challenged her own sensibilities
Keerthana Kunnath reveals how a community of South Indian bodybuilders dismantle longstanding perceptions of femininity and body image
One to Watch Devashish Gaur combines analogue and digital methods, stretch conventions to create a ‘dreamy isolation’
Tara Laure Claire Sood is fascinated by South India’s retro portrait studios, reimagining them with fresh Bollywood and fashion tropes
Soham Gupta made his name capturing Kolkata’s unseen poor. Now his mood has softened and the city’s youth movement has picked up pace
The German-born, Australia-based photographer talks through his project highlighting our paradoxical relationships with nature today
The country’s largest photography event returns to Hyderabad for its 9th edition. Here’s what to see at Madhapur’s State Gallery of Art and elsewhere
Following the death of his grandmother, Ones To Watch winner Ali Monis Naqvi delivers a tribute to her – and to the community he was raised in