1854 Presents: Anastasia Samoylova on shooting her new home of Florida

Photographer Anastasia Samoylova discusses her collaborative new project, part of Shoot the Sequel: Then & Now America

1854 studio’s Sinead Solomon interviews the Russian-American photographer Anastasia Samoylova, as she becomes the first photographer to be selected for the MPB Shoot the Sequel: Then & Now America commission. Over the next month, Samoylova will be creating a new project reflecting on her home of four years, the sunshine state of Florida.

“It was this impulse to process this environment around me, these new surroundings,” she explains. “I had to ask- Is this home now?” Samoylova shifted from studio photography to observational and documentary practices, bringing her editorial expertise to the streets of America. Here, Samoylova shares her inspirations, her lockdown experiences, and the  plans for her latest project. 

Exploring the complex nature of Florida, Samoylova utilises her home state as a setting and subject for her latest project, in which she investigates environmentalism, geography, and home.

Anastasia Samoylova



Isaac Huxtable

Isaac Huxtable is a freelance writer, as well as a curator at the arts consultancy Artiq. Prior to this, He studied a BA in History of Art at the Courtauld Institute, followed by roles at British Journal of Photography and The Photographers' Gallery. His words have featured in British Journal of Photography, Elephant Magazine, Galerie Peter Sellim, The Photographers' Gallery, and The South London Gallery. He is particularly interested in documentary ethics, race, gender, class, and the body.