Through family archives and new images, Postponed Disbelief explores memory, language, and the impact of conflict

Through family archives and new images, Postponed Disbelief explores memory, language, and the impact of conflict
Working through the trauma of the asylum seeking process in the US, the photographer says he came to photography later than his peers and uses it as a mechanism to heal intergenerational migratory disruptions
The average lifespan of a house in Japan is around 30 years. Rather than renovating, homes are torn down and made anew. In her latest project, Suzuki raises questions about the political and economic factors behind the need to scrap.
The recent graduate uses his photographs to create a visual dialogue with his late father’s archive
Cary Fagan, Aaron Schuman, Kalpesh Lathigura and others reflect on memories through image and text, as part of our ongoing series Picture This.
Accompanied by her mother, aunt and cousin, the family create charming scenes of theatre and dance, imagining and interpreting their grandmother’s life and journey.
In the early 1900s, Paul Thulin’s great-grandfather settled on the coast of Maine, reminded of his homeland of Sweden. Thulin’s family has returned to Gray’s Point each summer ever since, and Thulin has been working on a project there, called Pine Tree Ballads, for over a decade. Initially inspired by his grandfather’s photographs, he hopes it has “a subtext of struggle and hope that mirrors my narrative sense of self and heritage”.
BJP: How did you first get into photography?
PT: My journey into photography started as a way to rebel against my growing contempt and frustration with the limits of language to effectively communicate. In 1996, I returned from a stressful year of studying Philosophy in a Master’s program at Syracuse University and I remember wanting to escape into the mountains to possibly join a Zen monastery. I wanted to meditate and remain silent in an effort to really just experience the world.
This desire led me to discover the writings and images of photographers Minor White, Frederick Sommer, and Emmet Gowin, as their mystical and spiritual use of photography intrigued me. Before I knew it, I borrowed a 35mm camera to try to make meaningful images of my own and I was hooked.
When Felicia Honkasalo’s grandfather passed away in 2009, he left behind boxes full of rocks and minerals, and stacks of notes, sketches, and fading photographs. “No one else in the family wanted them,” says Honkasalo, who never got the opportunity to meet her grandfather, “I was really intrigued by it all, but I didn’t really know what to do with it at first”.
Honkasalo’s debut book, Grey Cobalt, is an attempt to construct imagined memories of her grandfather, who was a metallurgist during the Cold War in Finland as well as an avid cosmologist. Published by Loose Joints, the book release accompanies an exhibition at the Webber Gallery in London, which will run till 15 February.