A rich family history of political struggle and personal responsibility, diverging paths and roads left untrod inform Thero Makepe’s We Didn’t Choose to be Born Here

A rich family history of political struggle and personal responsibility, diverging paths and roads left untrod inform Thero Makepe’s We Didn’t Choose to be Born Here
The show at the Whitechapel Gallery pays homage to the artist’s notable role in art-ivism, spotlighting his heavy use of archival photography and manipulating mass-produced images
Ana Norman Bermúdez incorporates Hmong embroidery into her portraits of the women, a collaboration championed by asylum NGOs
The Iranian artist discusses the multifaceted violence – and resistance – in The Fury, a set of powerful nude portraits and dance-inspired film
Photography’s rules are made to be broken. Having become frustrated with the medium’s conventions, five artists discuss how sculpture, 3-D maquettes, activism and X-rays keep photography alive in their work. Next up is Sofia Karim
A Village on the Highway focuses not on the agricultural workers whose activism overturned the ‘black laws’, but the makeshift camps which allowed them to do it
Chekachkov is working in Lviv as a fixer, helping the international press document the crisis. As the war between Ukraine and Russia prevails, the photographer reflects on the shifting state of identity
Speaking from Lviv, Neville shares his experience of the war in recent days and the reasons for making his latest book, Stop Tanks with Books, about the lives of Ukrainian people
For the past half decade, Dee Dwyer has documented the ongoing protests occurring in her city, Washington DC, feeling it her duty to tell the story from the perspective of the Black community.