BJP-online Loves…

Our pick of the key stories from the past week, including the World Press Photo and MACK First Book Award nominees, and interviews with Iain McKell, Tommaso Rada, and Mona Kuhn

22 February 2019

BJP-online Loves…

Our pick of the key stories from the past week, including details of Photo London 2019, an interview with Don McCullin, an interview with photobook specialist Manfred Heiting, and several emerging photographers

8 February 2019

BJP-online Loves…

Our pick of the key stories from the past week, including Victor and Sergey Kochetov’s hand-tinted images, Ingvar Kenne’s images of parties in the Australian outback, and JeongMee Yoon’s Pink and Blue Projects

1 February 2019

Any Answers: Harry Gruyaert

An early pioneer of colour photography and digital printing, the 77-year-old is best known for his cinematic, light- strewn images of Morocco, Russia, the US and his native Belgium. Working across six decades, he’s produced many books, including the recent East/West and Edges, both published by Thames & Hudson

28 January 2019

BJP-online Loves…

Our pick of the key stories from the past week, including Paris’ Circulation(s) festival of emerging European photography, the first-ever Kyiv Photo Book festival, and Todd Hido’s Bright Black World

18 January 2019