Ordinary Magazine #9: Tampons

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Tampons have long been cast in the shadow of clinical hues and stereotypes of millennial pink, but the latest issue of Ordinary seeks to reframe its visual representation while continuing their exploration of wacky and innovative interpretations of the mundane.

Ordinary #9 provides humorous renditions of tampons used for harvesting crest, a volcanic plug, nail art or as stolen trophies for criminal squirrels. Featuring over 25 artists, Ordinary #9 employs a consistent layout, displaying each image on a double page spread, directing its readers full attention to the imagery, hence why it isn’t cluttered “with any design and decoration”, said Ordinary co-founder Max Siedentopf in an interview with BJP-online in 2018.

Ordinary #9 provides humorous renditions of tampons used for harvesting crest, a volcanic plug, nail art or as stolen trophies for criminal squirrels. Featuring over 25 artists, Ordinary #9 employs a consistent layout, displaying each image on a double page spread, directing its readers full attention to the imagery, hence why it isn’t cluttered “with any design and decoration”, said Ordinary co-founder Max Siedentopf in an interview with BJP-online in 2018.

© Adrien Dubost
© Kelia Mcclusky

Each issue begins with Siedentopf and co-founder Yuki Kappes deciding which item is to be featured. Photographers are then challenged to construct a unique conceptual image, capturing the exciting in the dull things around us “that we don’t even notice”, said Siedentopf.

© Matthieu Delbreuve

The Amsterdam-based quarterly magazine seeks to encourage readers and artists to explore alternative nuances of various mundane but well-loved tools. Previous issues have seen the likes of a sock being used as a coffee strainer, a cotton ear bud cigarette, a bin bag batman costume and a kitchen sponge used as a dolls bed.

© Yumiko Utsu
© Elena Bundurakis

Ordinary #9 is available to buy through their website and in selected shops worldwide.