Research and intuition guide the Hungarian artist as he creates expressive works animating form and colour. We visit his east London studio, where a visual wonderland of thoughts and ideas engulf the walls

Research and intuition guide the Hungarian artist as he creates expressive works animating form and colour. We visit his east London studio, where a visual wonderland of thoughts and ideas engulf the walls
Cary Fagan, Aaron Schuman, Kalpesh Lathigura and others reflect on memories through image and text, as part of our ongoing series Picture This.
In the artist’s latest exhibition, Soft Corners at Trafo Gallery, Budapest, lightness and softness are central
Fashion photography is changing – as Holly Hay and Shonagh Marshall, co-curators of a new three-part project entitled Posturing: Photographing the Body in Fashion, will attest. In November 2017, the pair held a London exhibition which placed 42 framed photographs and six magazine shoots in a west London space. It called into question both the function of this branch of contemporary image-making and the changing role of the figure in fashion imagery, placing work by Johnny Dufort, Marton Perlaki, Charlie Engman, Brianna Capozzi and others side by side. The show was followed by a specially commissioned film by artist Coco Capitán, Learning to Transcend the Physical Barrier That Owning a Body Implies, examining the respective practices of a choreographer, an artist and the founder of a traditional film-based darkroom, interrogating physical selfhood in all of its guises. This month, they launch the third part – a book created with Self Publish, Be Happy, in which photographers, stylists, editors and set designers respond to ideas about the body in fashion.