Themed Back to the Future, the South London festival is expanding in scope and duration

Fiona Rogers and Vivienne Gamble discuss the inaugural Parasol Foundation International Photography Prize for Women – and why women-focused initiatives are still needed
An exhibition of McConnell’s work, The Brighter the Flowers, the Fiercer the Town, goes on show at Seen Fifteen in Peckham this Friday 13 May as part of Peckham 24
Blurring the lines between fact, fiction and fantasy, this year’s festival programme features new partnerships with South London Gallery and Biblioteka
On the event of Photo London, BJP-online presents a round-up of exhibitions taking place in London this weekend
Baud Postma’s desert landscapes considers photography’s relationship with authenticity and memory
It’s six years since the inaugural edition of Unseen Amsterdam arrived with the mission to shake up the art fair model, focusing on emerging photographers and collectors, and instilling a welcome dose of fun to proceedings. And despite its beginnings during difficult times for arts funding, the ‘fair with a festival flair’ has largely succeeded, developing into something more ambitious than a glorified trade show, with its own public programme and a city-wide celebration of the medium in one of the world’s great photography capitals.
The emphasis remains on championing new talent, and with this in mind, the latest addition to Unseen is Futures, a cross-European photography platform bringing together 10 cultural institutions from around the continent, each with their own talent programmes.
Magnum Photos just completed its annual AGM and has announced five new photographers are to join as Nominees – Rafal Milach (Poland), Sim Chi Yin (Singapore), Lua Ribeira (Spain), Gregory Halpern (USA), and Lindokuhle Sobekwa (South Africa).
Under Magnum’s system, photographers first join as Nominees, before graduating to become Associates a couple of years later. After a spell as Associates, they then become full Members – a status which confers life-time membership of the world-famous agency. Magnum has also announced that previous Nominees Sohrab Hura (India) and Lorenzo Meloni (Italy) have become Associates.