Welcome to the World of Slim Aarons displays some of the artist’s most iconic images documenting the life of his glittering subjects

Welcome to the World of Slim Aarons displays some of the artist’s most iconic images documenting the life of his glittering subjects
The British photographer known for her trailblazing series documenting the joys and challenges in the lives of everyday women is remembered
Using scientific evidence and human stories, Climate Visuals is shifting the way we look at climate change imagery.
Special Correspondent for Getty Images John Moore was one of the first photographers to cover the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Liberia. “I learned a skill set that I never expected to use in my hometown,” he says, as he reflects on the process of covering the coronavirus outbreak in New York
Michael Putland, the photographer known for documenting rock royalty including the Stones, Bowie, and Jagger, died last week, aged 72. Below, his friend, colleague, and vice president of Getty Images Hulton Archive, Matthew Butson, reflects on his extraordinary career
Set up 14 years ago, Getty Images’ Reportage Grant awards “front-line photojournalists from around the world for projects with a strong visual narrative”, aiming to help them pursue long-term documentary projects. This year, the three selected photographers have won with very different projects – Giulio Di Sturco with Aerotropolis, The Way We Will Live Next; Léonard Pongo with The Uncanny; and Rose Marie Cromwell with King of Fish.
Nadia Shira Cohen has won the $10,000 Women Photograph + Getty Images grant for her work on the abortion ban in El Salvador – and the five grants of $5000 awarded by Women Photograph with Nikon have gone to Tasneem Alsultan, Anna Boyiazis, Jess T. Dugan, Ana Maria Arevalo Gosen, and Etinosa Yvonne Osayimwen.
Nadia Shira Cohen’s series Yo No Di a Luz documents the effect that the complete ban on abortion in El Salvador has had on women – particularly on those forced to give birth to children conceived as a result of rape. “Doctors and nurses are trained to spy on women’s uteruses in public hospitals, reporting any suspicious alteration to the authorities and provoking criminal charges which can lead to between six months to seven years in prison,” writes Shira Cohen. “It is the poorer class of women who suffer the most as doctors in private hospitals are not required to report.
This year, he says, all the images have been thoroughly checked before the shortlists have been announced, let alone the winners. “All the checking is already done – all raw files, where the images were shot, everything,” he tells BJP. “We know how important it is that everything can be trusted, and we keep asking questions until we are satisfied. We wouldn’t announce the shortlists unless we were.”
Long before the public sat up and took notice of the staggering number of refugees…
“The recipients of the 2017 Getty Images Editorial Photography Grants are working at the cutting edge of photojournalism, ensuring that often ignored global issues are brought to the forefront of public consciousness,” said Hugh Pinney, Vice President of News, Getty Images. This year’s winners see projects taking place in war torn Mosul, documenting the unrest in Venezuela and refugees seeking new homes in Europe.