With Scotiabank’s CONTACT Photography Festival underway this month, Naomi Skwarna unpicks the artists, places, and ideas behind the outdoor programme, from utopic posters to North African billboards

With Scotiabank’s CONTACT Photography Festival underway this month, Naomi Skwarna unpicks the artists, places, and ideas behind the outdoor programme, from utopic posters to North African billboards
In an interview with BJP-online Weems reflects on her practice – the strategies she employs and the subjects she explores
In adopting the photobook as his primary medium, using complex sequences as well as free ranging associations to create what’s been described as ‘open metaphors’, Jason Fulford is more interested in questions than answers. He invites readers to become active participants in his work, presenting an open enquiry in which the various interconnecting layers are often cryptic and complex, and the meaning is less important than the experience of looking and thinking.