The Iranian-British artist spends time volunteering for NGOs as well as creating material for his Sketchbook series

The Iranian-British artist spends time volunteering for NGOs as well as creating material for his Sketchbook series
In her latest project, the Colombian artist charts her pursuit to untangle the relationship between trauma and intimacy
Robbie Lawrence, Senta Simond, Chad Moore, Matthew Morrocco, and others, reflect on the experience of intimacy amid the current crisis — the second in a series of articles inviting artists to respond to a theme with image and text
As the apps we use become a bigger part of our daily routines, the line between our digital and real lives is increasingly blurred. “But there’s a tension point where privacy comes in which makes everything even more complicated,” says VICE editor in chief Ellis Jones. How much of ourselves do we share publicly and how do we decide which pieces to share? Which labels do we use to describe ourselves? And how do we avoid others imposing labels onto us? These are a few of the questions posed in “The Privacy and Perception Issue”, VICE’s annual photography magazine.