Considering an uncanny medium and how we understand it, the Hungarian’s new book blends the playfulness with a welcome loss of control

Considering an uncanny medium and how we understand it, the Hungarian’s new book blends the playfulness with a welcome loss of control
In his upcoming book, Depravity’s Rainbow, the British photographer pieces together the life of Werhner Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun; a Nazi rocket developer
“To me photography is a means, perhaps the best means of our age – of widening knowledge of our world. Photography is a method of education, for acquainting people of all ages and conditions with the truth about life today,” wrote photographer Berenice Abbott, in an unpublished text from 1946, Statement in Regard to Photography Today. Berenice Abbott: Portraits of Modernity will run at the Fundación MAPFRE in Barcelona till 19 May 2019. Following its showing in Barcelona, the exhibition will go on display at the Fundación MAPFRE’s Sala Recoletos in Madrid from 01 June till 23 August.
In one of the essays for Daniel Stier’s book, Ways of Knowing, Pedro Ferreira, professor…