Brant Slomovic leads a double life: he is both a photographer and accident and emergency doctor. A recent commission in California allowed him to reflect on his relationship with the former
“I am so fortunate to be able to step into someone’s life, enter their world, and experience it, if only for a minute”
In the media “Asian Americans are rarely depicted. If we are, we are often forced into these clichéd tropes: the nerdy Asian, the submissive Asian, the exotic Asian. I am looking to create a genuine representation”
“Getting the train to the studio was nerve wracking; it felt like people stared at my uneven tones and blistered face. After the photoshoot I went to meet my Mum for a drink. I did not cover my skin up, I let it breathe and felt myself do the same”
Clément Chapillon spent 10 days immersed in the Californian wilderness. The work he created embodies his journey as much as the people and places he encountered along the way
Ricardo Nagaoka, Francesca Allen, Clément Chapillon and Brant Slomovic will travel across California and document the lesser-know sides of the Golden State
While on commission in Copenhagen, Marco Kesseler, Peter Holliday and Laura Stevens each kept a journal recording their experiences and observations.
“The sense of not knowing where I am, where I will go and what I will find is exciting and the fear starts fading”
“When Brexit happened, I took it personally. I come from an immigrant family and had been exposed to racism and stereotyping throughout my childhood. After the Brexit vote, I felt that same feeling I had felt as a kid”
In his series, Unequal Scenes, photographer Johnny Miller uses a drone to shed light on the extreme poverty that lives on the doorsteps of some of society’s most privileged